Saturday, October 29, 2022

4.6.7 Document Editing Tips

 Hello everyone, 

To me, editing is important and on this topic, I learned how to add words to the AutoCorrect dictionary. For example, when I got married to my husband he has a very unique last name: ''Apolinar''. It always comes up spelled incorrectly when checking my spelling and grammar. I never knew there was a way to add my name to the dictionary.


  1. Yes, there is definitely a way to add new words to Microsoft Office's dictionary. Glad you learned about it so autocorrect won't treat is as a possible typo :-)

  2. Thanks for bringing this up because this completely slipped my mind. I'm just too used to backspacing and retyping when it autocorrects, but I will definitely start utilizing this to save time.

  3. I feel exactly how you think! Sometimes Chinese surnames and names are plagued by autocorrection.

  4. Yes, that is a very nice feature to use. I use this quite often when I take notes, I make a lot of abbreviations to make it faster to take notes and not see a bunch of red lines telling me the word is incorrect.

  5. Autocorrect is a great tool to use. I use it as much as possible. It saves me a lot of time from having to correct any spellings.

  6. Yes, this happens with my second last name too!

  7. Adding unrecognized words that you use frequently to your dictionary is helpful and saves time from having to go back and correct it.

  8. Auto correct can be helpful in many situations but can be frustrating when you use a correctly spelled word. Adding words to the dictionary helps alleviate some of this frustration.

  9. Adding words to the dictionary is very useful for unique words.

  10. The most helpful feature for foreign names is the dictionary in word.

  11. Very helpful indeed, I Auto correct Gysahl Mts. for my stories as a Final Fantasy reference.

  12. I can do this with my name. I love it. Thanks

  13. Very helpful. Adding words to autocorrect never thought about doing it before.

  14. Microsoft offers a variety of tools that can help you improve your grammar and even replace some of it in a split second.
