Monday, October 24, 2022


Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. Balancing work, school, and life in general can be stressful and overwhelming that I forget to take a break. I took my boys to the pumpkin patch recently. They had so much fun, seeing the smiles on their face brought me so much joy. Even though I was having fun with them, all I can think about is my school assignments and studying. Does that ever happened to you? 

Here’s a picture of my two boys at the pumpkin patch. 😁


  1. Pumpkin patch is fun. Glad to see your children had a good time :-)

    The challenges of being a parent and a college student while working, you can do this Marie ^_^

  2. What happened to me is precisely what happened to you! When I took my son to the hospital and waited in line, I still held Excel and Access notes! I have to say, in middle age, learning is a complicated thing! I had to sacrifice my sleep. It was the only way!

  3. I am doing well with this balance of school and work. When I get overburdened I just take a day off of doing school work.

  4. You must be an amazinggg parent! They look so happy. I look forward to having children in the future :) For now, I treat my puppy like my own child and it sucks that I never have time to take him out to see the world because of school. He's my first pet too, and it makes me wanna cry thinking about the fact that I prioritize my education first because it feels like I'm neglecting him. Thank God I only have to take 9 credits next semester compared to the 18 credits I'm doing now! I really need to learn to balance this out.

  5. Yes, this happens to me quite often. I once had to take my laptop to an event to work on schoolwork. It's not ideal but we have to do what we have to do to reach our goals.

  6. They are too cute. Yes, I catch myself thinking of what work needs to get done while being out too.

  7. I often find myself thinking about assignments while doing other things.

  8. Life does take balancing. As humans we are not supposed to exhaust to the point of not taking any breaks. Life is more of balancing how to rest and invest in yourself. The reason we are all trying to progress is reach a desired outcome, so I hope you don't exhaust yourself without rest.

  9. There are times when I'm working and all of a sudden, I'm thinking about an assignment that needs to be completed. Although things are more balanced in the second part of the semester and I'm a little bit ahead in 3 out of my 4 current classes, I still fear falling behind.

  10. Always thinking about school or work but you are not alone. Nice family take the time to enjoy them cause they are only so small for so long.

  11. Sometimes it is that family time that brings everything together. Great looking kids. Looks like they were having fun.

  12. Yes all the time, I often find myself saying id rather be studying right now.

  13. Your children are so adorable! It is hard to balance school, work, and family life. Good luck to us.

  14. I constantly worry about school and am frustrated that I can't accomplish everything in a day. The majority of us really struggle to strike a balance between work and school.

  15. I agree, balancing school, work, and life is stressful and overwhelming.

  16. Taking a break can really help you recenter and come back more productive!
