Saturday, September 24, 2022


Hello everyone, 

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm not sure if you all know the first day of Fall was Thursday, September 22, 2022. I was pretty hyped about it, I love the Fall Season. I look forward to the weather changing. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it's been extremely hot this year. Another thing I look forward to is going to the Pumpkin Patches with my family. We always have a great time riding on the rides and picking out pumpkins.


  1. So we are officially in Fall? Cool, pun intended ^_^

    Pumpkin Patches are fun :-)

  2. Fall is the best season. The weather gets cool but not cold enough that you can’t do anything outside.

  3. Autumn is a harvest season, it always makes people full of hope!

  4. Can't believe summer is over or is it? with the weather still being warm. The temperatures will start dropping and soon the sweaters will be out. Love the weather change.

  5. Yay I love fall weather. More outdoor events for me...

  6. Yes! I love sweater weather and boots! So happy it's officially fall, now we just need the weather to feel like it's officially fall. I'm so looking forward to crisp morning air with a warm cup of coffee.

  7. Thank you God!!! Summer is my least favorite season, inside and outside of Vegas. I don't mind if it's still going to be a little warm. As long as the temperature doesn't start with a 9 and goes up to triple digits, every day is a good day. I've never been to a pumpkin patch before but I feel inspired to now.

  8. I enjoy fall. It is cooler than summer, but not as cold as winter.

  9. The fall to me, especially here in Las Vegas, is more of an extended slightly cooler summer.

  10. After living in Vegas for so long now, is there really a fall season? Does everyone really notice this? For me, I have experience only hot and cold all year long. Unless I am missing something. You guys tell me?

  11. My two favorite seasons, Fall and Spring. The two seasons that represent death and rebirth. Fall and Spring are different here in Nevada and I miss the leaves changing colors and falling to the ground. Happy Autumn to everyone.

  12. I love fall season when everything starts to cool in Vegas. I also love going to pumpkin patches as well.

  13. I'd say it still feels like summer out here! But so happy and excited for the fall season and pumpkin spice!

  14. I love fall so much! It is my favorite season. Unfortunately, it wont start getting colder until late or mid October. I am so excited for the pumpkin patches, parties, bonfires, and haunted houses with friends and family too! I love sweater weather.

  15. I am happy for it to be fall now I can go outside and not melt.

  16. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with this post. I am a Las Vegas native, and seasons other than summer are terrible and unbearably cold.

  17. I love fall as well, I just wish it wasn't still 90 degrees.

  18. The weather is most evenly balanced throughout the fall, and pumpkin patches are just amazing.
