Saturday, October 1, 2022

1.4.8 Internet Safety Facts

Good morning all, 

I hope everyone is doing well. Can you believe we're already in October? I feel like this year went by quickly. I'm looking forward to the holidays. Although it can be stressful at times, I love spending time with my family. What are your favorite holidays?

1.4.8 Internet Safety Facts

Know the difference between what is a safe and accurate website and what isn't. Some helpful tips are to implement anti-malware software on your computer. Never trust everything that is on the internet; this includes websites, emails, and social media ads. Especially downloads, I remember I used to have a hard time with this. I would download everything without validating the information beforehand.


  1. Internet safety is definitely something not to take lightly :-)

    Anti-virus software is a good place to start but ultimate it comes down the human's (i.e. your) diligence and education on good practices and safety mindset!

    Stay safe ^_^

  2. Yes, never trust everything that is on the internet, and we must think twice before downloading something. Your post was very clear and informative.

  3. If you ever experience the blue screen of doom, then all the safety protocols you just mentioned would be useless. But, yes please take all the care you can on each device you use, safety is always number one priority.

  4. I can't agree with you more. A lot of time people are in inadvertently downloaded the software that contains Trojan horse programs!

  5. Online safety is a priority, especially if you are doing online banking and making online purchases. You never know if your information is going to end up in the wrong hands.

  6. Valuable information on websites. Safety is priority one.

  7. Using caution is something that should be learned first for beginners. Just the other day, I got a strange email from UPS saying my package was delivered and I freaked out because I haven't ordered anything, when I went to preview the email, it was a package that was delivered to my daughter in Chicago for my granddaughter. I had forgot about that. But initially I was skeptical about it being a scam.

  8. Just because its on the net doesn't mean its true. I would say fall cause the las 3 months of the years always have something. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas.

  9. I like Christmas and "St. Loners Day"; [Valentines day]. Recently with the little ones over the years though Easter is closely rising to the top of things to look forward to, I need to review this topic again and see how to verify if a link is the right one.

  10. Safety on the internet is very important. Safety is number one priority.

  11. I get anti-malware safety popups on my laptop all the time and it's very annoying. However, I do think I should really renew my subscription because I always wanna be careful just in case the worst happens.

  12. Oh yes, this was also me. Little 10 year old me downloading without a care in the world!

  13. I feel like Last night was October 1 and now were on the 12th already. I can not wait till the weather cools down so its bearable to go outside for longer than 1 hour.

  14. I cannot believe it is October already. Where did the time go?

  15. Now more then ever Internet Safety has to be a priority.

  16. Since there are so many methods to access harmful websites today, it can be challenging to determine what is safe. People often use this cutting-edge technology to their advantage.

  17. Interesting quote in the photo. Thank you for sharing. I completely agree with you about validating before installing.
