Saturday, October 29, 2022

4.6.7 Document Editing Tips

 Hello everyone, 

To me, editing is important and on this topic, I learned how to add words to the AutoCorrect dictionary. For example, when I got married to my husband he has a very unique last name: ''Apolinar''. It always comes up spelled incorrectly when checking my spelling and grammar. I never knew there was a way to add my name to the dictionary.

Monday, October 24, 2022


Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. Balancing work, school, and life in general can be stressful and overwhelming that I forget to take a break. I took my boys to the pumpkin patch recently. They had so much fun, seeing the smiles on their face brought me so much joy. Even though I was having fun with them, all I can think about is my school assignments and studying. Does that ever happened to you? 

Here’s a picture of my two boys at the pumpkin patch. 😁

Saturday, October 15, 2022

3.3.2 Office Printing Facts

We all know the old fashion easy way to print which is file print or ctrl p. What I found interesting in this task was the excel version of printing. I usually only print the active sheets. I didn't know we had different options such as the entire workbook or active sheets. This is very helpful for me, especially for work.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

2.4.2 Desktop Application Facts


I hope everyone is doing well. It amazes me how helpful and organized our desktop can be. Also, how important is it to know how to run all of your apps and where they're located at. I love organizing my apps and files, especially for work. I think it's cool that Windows 10 has its very own apps installed. I would definitely be lost without it.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

1.4.8 Internet Safety Facts

Good morning all, 

I hope everyone is doing well. Can you believe we're already in October? I feel like this year went by quickly. I'm looking forward to the holidays. Although it can be stressful at times, I love spending time with my family. What are your favorite holidays?

1.4.8 Internet Safety Facts

Know the difference between what is a safe and accurate website and what isn't. Some helpful tips are to implement anti-malware software on your computer. Never trust everything that is on the internet; this includes websites, emails, and social media ads. Especially downloads, I remember I used to have a hard time with this. I would download everything without validating the information beforehand.

Saturday, September 24, 2022


Hello everyone, 

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm not sure if you all know the first day of Fall was Thursday, September 22, 2022. I was pretty hyped about it, I love the Fall Season. I look forward to the weather changing. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it's been extremely hot this year. Another thing I look forward to is going to the Pumpkin Patches with my family. We always have a great time riding on the rides and picking out pumpkins.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

About Me

     Hello everyone, 

My name is obviously Marie Gutierrez, I have two boys ages five and three. I was born in California, Pomona but was raised in Las Vegas, Nevada since I was five years old.  I work full-time as an assistant property manager. I'm currently majoring in real estate, I love what I do for a living. With the marketing being so high I know it makes it complicated for people to find a place to call home. Seeing the facial expressions when I tell my applicants they are approved warms my heart.